Object Oriented C Programming Style

For our strongSwan source code we use an object oriented programming style. This allows us to employ modern programming paradigms but still use the standard C compiler and toolset.


This object oriented design is achieved by heavy use of function pointers. Interfaces of classes are defined as a struct with function pointers and an implementation extends the struct by including the Interface as its first struct member. The idea is based on the coding style of the xine project. To get an idea of the whole concept we recommend to examine the code directly.

Type Safety

To achieve type safety without casting the this parameter in each method we have introduced some special helper macros. The METHOD macro helps in implementing a method that is compatible to both the public and the private interfaces automatically. The INIT macro initializes objects using readable Designated Initializers which also ensure that all members that are not explicitly initialized are set to zero.

Details and Examples

The following explanations and examples are from the xine docs but are slightly adapted to better match our code style (refer to our actual code for concrete examples).

Classes are structs containing function pointers and public member data. Example:

typedef struct my_stack_t my_stack_t;

struct my_stack_t {

   * Method "push" with one parameter and no return value
   * @param i  element to push
  void (*push)(my_stack_t *this, int i);

   * Method "add" with no parameters and no return value
  void (*add)(my_stack_t *this);

   * Method "pop" with no parameters (except "this") and a return value
   * @return   popped element
  int (*pop)(my_stack_t *this);

 * Constructor
 * @return     instance of my_stack_t
my_stack_t *my_stack_create();

To derive from such a class, private member variables can be added:

typedef private_my_stack_t private_my_stack_t;

struct private_my_stack_t {

   * Public interface
  my_stack_t public;

   * Internal stack items
  int values[MAX_STACK_SIZE];

   * Number of items
  int stack_size;

Each method is implemented as a static method (static to prevent namespace pollution) using the METHOD macro (which defines <method_name> with the public signature for use in the constructor).

Implementation of the push method:

METHOD(my_stack_t, push, void,
  private_my_stack_t *this, int i)
  this->values[MAX_STACK_SIZE - ++this->stack_size] = i;

Finally the contructor uses the INIT macro to allocate an instance of the private struct and fills the function pointers and default values (using designated initializers). Usually the constructor is the only public (i.e. non-static) function in the module:

my_stack_t *my_stack_create()
  private_my_stack_t *this;

    .public = {
      .push = _push,
      .add = _add,
      .pop = _pop,
    /* uninitialized fields are automatically set to zero */

  /* return public part */
  return &this->public;

Gedit Snippets

For gedit users there are some snippets to create interfaces, methods (including implementations and pointer assignement) and class implementations.