Software Inventory Client

Software Collector

The sw-collector tool manages the Software Inventory on an endpoint based on an SQLite collector.db database which has to be initialized first, see hints.

When the sw-collector command is executed, the tool parses the apt history file indicated by the history parameter defined in the sw-collector subsection of strongswan.conf for new events. The default history file is /var/log/apt/history.log. Since version 5.9.5 the compressed history.log.<n>.gz backup files in the /var/log/apt/ directory are automatically searched too if necessary, in order to find all new entries.

# sw-collector
First-Date: 2021-02-17T01:05:01Z, eid = 1, epoch = 916780987
Last-Event: 2021-02-17T01:05:01Z, eid = 1, epoch = 916780987
processing "/etc/os-release" file
operating system type is 'Ubuntu'
operating system name is 'Ubuntu'
operating system version is '20.04 x86_64'
opened '/var/log/apt/history.log'
   Warning: 2021-02-17T01:05:11Z of first entry on level 0 is newer
gzip: /var/log/apt/history.log.1.gz: No such file or directory
Start-Date: 2021-02-17T01:05:11Z, eid = 2
Start-Date: 2021-02-17T01:05:20Z, eid = 3
Start-Date: 2021-02-17T01:18:43Z, eid = 93
Start-Date: 2021-02-17T01:18:54Z, eid = 94
   apt (2.0.2, 2.0.4)
    bash (5.0-6ubuntu1, 5.0-6ubuntu1.1)
    base-files (11ubuntu5, 11ubuntu5.3)
Start-Date: 2022-05-11T07:31:09Z, eid = 95
    libmpc3 (1.1.0-1)
    tzdata (2022a-0ubuntu0.20.04)
    gcc-10-base (10.2.0-5ubuntu1~20.04, 10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04)
    libstdc++6 (10.2.0-5ubuntu1~20.04, 10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04)
Start-Date: 2022-05-11T09:33:27Z, eid = 96
    libsqlite3-dev (3.31.1-4ubuntu0.3)
    dpkg-dev (1.19.7ubuntu3)
Start-Date: 2022-05-11T09:33:30Z, eid = 97
    libmpc3 (1.1.0-1)
    tzdata (2022a-0ubuntu0.20.04)
  merged 173 installed packages, 173 registered in database

In a last step sw-collector calls dpkg-query --list in order to check whether all packages currently installed on the endpoint match the ones found in the apt history. In our example there are 173 installed packages and exactly the same number has been registed in the local collector.db database.

Checking for SWID Tags

Via the REST-API of the global strongTNC website the sw-collector --unregistered command can be used to check whether the SWID tags of the currently installed and earlier removed packages are already present in the strongTNC database:

# sw-collector --unregistered --installed
  sending request to 'http://xxxx@tnc/api/sessions/0/swid-measurement/'...
173 installed software identifiers not registered

This doesn’t seem to be the case since the strongTNC manager has just been freshly initialized.

# sw-collector --unregistered --removed
  sending request to 'http://xxxx@tnc/api/sessions/0/swid-measurement/'...
111 removed software identifiers not registered

The same for the previously removed packages. In principle the SWIMA IMC is capable to generate the full SWID tags containing all SHA-2 file hashes of the locally installed packages but it is preferable to do a bulk import of trusted SWID tags for a given Linux distribution directly into the strongTNC database.


The SWIMA IMC implements the Software Inventory Message and Attributes (SWIMA) extension of the PA-TNC measurement protocol.

Plugin Configuration

In the imc-swima subsection of strongswan.conf some parameters have to be configured. As a minimum the following entries are needed

libimcv {
  plugins {
    imc-swima {
      swid_full = yes
      swid_database = sqlite:///etc/pts/collector.db

In the /etc/tnc_config configuration file the OS IMC and the SWIMA IMC have to enabled:


IMC "OS"      /usr/lib/ipsec/imcvs/
IMC "SWIMA"   /usr/lib/ipsec/imcvs/

These two Integrity Measurement Collectors have to be built beforehand with the ./configure options

--enable-imc-os --enable-imc-swima

When the charon daemon starts up, the IMCs are loaded. IMC 1 OS and IMC 2 SWIMA subcribe to the standard PA-TNC message subtypes Operating System and SWIMA defined in the IETF namespace, respectively.

00[DMN] Starting IKE charon daemon (strongSwan 5.9.7, Linux 5.13.0-40-generic, x86_64)
00[TNC] loading IMCs from '/etc/tnc_config'
00[TNC] added IETF attributes
00[TNC] added ITA-HSR attributes
00[TNC] added PWG attributes
00[TNC] added TCG attributes
00[LIB] libimcv initialized
00[IMC] IMC 1 "OS" initialized
00[IMC] processing "/etc/os-release" file
00[IMC] operating system type is 'Ubuntu'
00[IMC] operating system name is 'Ubuntu'
00[IMC] operating system version is '20.04 x86_64'
00[TNC] IMC 1 supports 1 message type: 'IETF/Operating System' 0x000000/0x00000001
00[TNC] IMC 1 "OS" loaded from '/usr/lib/ipsec/imcvs/'
00[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" initialized
00[TNC] IMC 2 supports 1 message type: 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
00[TNC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" loaded from '/usr/lib/ipsec/imcvs/'

VPN Configuration

The VPN configuration choses for this example is the same as for the general TNC client but for reasons of brevity we will just omit the PT-EAP and IKEv2 EAP transport layers. Authentication is based on a TLS client certificate.

PB-TNC Connection

The PB-TNC (TCG TNC IF-TNCCS 2.0) Connection ID 1 is assigned to the connection by the TNC client and a new state is created for both the OS IMC and the SWIMA IMC

01[TNC] assigned TNCCS Connection ID 1
01[IMC] IMC 1 "OS" created a state for IF-TNCCS 2.0 Connection ID 1: +long +excl -soh
01[IMC]   over IF-T for Tunneled EAP 2.0 with maximum PA-TNC message size of 32722 bytes
01[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" created a state for IF-TNCCS 2.0 Connection ID 1: +long +excl -soh
01[IMC]   over IF-T for Tunneled EAP 2.0 with maximum PA-TNC message size of 32722 bytes
01[IMC] IMC 1 "OS" changed state of Connection ID 1 to 'Handshake'
01[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" changed state of Connection ID 1 to 'Handshake'

OS Information

The OS IMC gathers information on the operating system and creates seven PA-TNC attributes and puts them in a PA-TNC message of the standard subtype Operating System

01[IMC] operating system numeric version is 20.4
01[IMC] last boot: May 13 07:23:44 UTC 2022, 13550 s ago
01[IMC] IPv4 forwarding is enabled
01[IMC] factory default password is disabled
01[IMC] device ID is a488651e36664792b306cf8be72dd630
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC message with ID 0x5331d56c
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/Product Information' 0x000000/0x00000002
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/String Version' 0x000000/0x00000004
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/Numeric Version' 0x000000/0x00000003
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/Operational Status' 0x000000/0x00000005
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/Forwarding Enabled' 0x000000/0x0000000b
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/Factory Default Password Enabled' 0x000000/0x0000000c
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'ITA-HSR/Device ID' 0x00902a/0x00000008
01[TNC] creating PB-PA message type 'IETF/Operating System' 0x000000/0x00000001

The SWIMA IMC creates a Segmentation Contract Request attribute defined in the TCG namespace which proposes to split up huge PA-TNC messages into segments with a maximum size of 32'698 bytes each (see PA-TNC message segmentation). This attribute is put into a PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA

01[IMC] IMC 2 requests a segmentation contract for PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
01[IMC]   no message size limit, maximum segment size of 32698 bytes
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC message with ID 0x853e6d25
01[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Segmentation Contract Request' 0x005597/0x00000021
01[TNC] creating PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009

Both PA-TNC messages are sent in a TNC Client Data batch to the TNC server

01[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Init' to 'Server Working'
01[TNC] creating PB-TNC CDATA batch
01[TNC] adding IETF/PB-Language-Preference message
01[TNC] adding IETF/PB-PA message
01[TNC] adding IETF/PB-PA message
01[TNC] sending PB-TNC CDATA batch (313 bytes) for Connection ID 1

Software Identifier Events

The TNC client receives three PA-TNC messages in a PB-TNC Server Data batch from the TNC server

12[TNC] received TNCCS batch (277 bytes)
12[TNC] TNC client is handling inbound connection
12[TNC] processing PB-TNC SDATA batch for Connection ID 1
12[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Server Working' to 'Client Working'
12[TNC] processing IETF/PB-PA message (52 bytes)
12[TNC] processing IETF/PB-PA message (141 bytes)
12[TNC] processing IETF/PB-PA message (76 bytes)

The first PA-TNC message of standard subtye SWIMA is handled by the SWIMA IMC and contains the Segmentation Contract Response defined in the TCG namespace

12[TNC] handling PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
12[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" received message for Connection ID 1 from IMV 2 to IMC 2
12[TNC] processing PA-TNC message with ID 0x7ac776c3
12[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Segmentation Contract Response' 0x005597/0x00000022
12[IMC] IMC 2 received a segmentation contract response from IMV 2 for PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
12[IMC]   no message size limit, maximum segment size of 32698 bytes

The second PA-TNC message of standard subtype Operating System is handled by the OS IMC and contains the standard Assessment Result and Remediation Instructions attributes

12[TNC] handling PB-PA message type 'IETF/Operating System' 0x000000/0x00000001
12[IMC] IMC 1 "OS" received message for Connection ID 1 from IMV 1
12[TNC] processing PA-TNC message with ID 0xd86290ad
12[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/Assessment Result' 0x000000/0x00000009
12[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/Remediation Instructions' 0x000000/0x0000000a
12[IMC] ***** assessment of IMC 1 "OS" from IMV 1 *****
12[IMC] assessment result is 'don't know'
12[IMC] remediation string: [en]
12[IMC] IP Packet Forwarding
12[IMC]   Please disable the forwarding of IP packets
12[IMC] ***** end of assessment *****

The third PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA is handled by the SWIMA IMC and contains a Segmentation Contract Request defined in the TCG namespace as well as standard SWIMA Request attribute

12[TNC] handling PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
12[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" received message for Connection ID 1 from IMV 2
12[TNC] processing PA-TNC message with ID 0x60a9b2c0
12[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Segmentation Contract Request' 0x005597/0x00000021
12[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/SWIMA Request' 0x000000/0x0000000d
12[IMC] IMC 2 received a segmentation contract request from IMV 2 for PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
12[IMC]   no message size limit, maximum segment size of 32698 bytes

As a reply to the first request, a Segmentation Contract Response attribute is inserted into a PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA and the SWIMA Request causes a total of 395 event items to be collected and encoded as a Software Identifier Events attribute.

Adding this second attribute to the PA-TNC message would exceed the maximum size of 32'722 octets. Therefore PA-TNC message segmentation is applied to the Software Identifier Events attribute and a first segment is encapsulated in a Segment Envelope attribute defined in the TCG namespace. The segment size is optimally chosen so that the Segment Envelope attribute will neatly fit into a maximum-size PA-TNC message

12[IMC] collected 395 SW ID events at last eid 97 of epoch 0x36a4f7bb
12[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/SW Identifier Events' 0x000000/0x0000000f
12[TNC] creating first segment for base message ID 1 (32678 bytes)
12[TNC] creating PA-TNC message with ID 0xbc19b497
12[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Segmentation Contract Response' 0x005597/0x00000022
12[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Segment Envelope' 0x005597/0x00000023
12[TNC] creating PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009

The PA-TNC message is sent in a maximum-size PB-TNC Client Data batch to the TNC server

12[TNC] TNC client is handling outbound connection
12[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Client Working' to 'Server Working'
12[TNC] creating PB-TNC CDATA batch
12[TNC] adding IETF/PB-PA message
12[TNC] sending PB-TNC CDATA batch (32754 bytes) for Connection ID 1

The TNC client receives a PB-TNC Server Data batch containing a PA-TNC message

08[TNC] received TNCCS batch (56 bytes)
08[TNC] TNC client is handling inbound connection
08[TNC] processing PB-TNC SDATA batch for Connection ID 1
08[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Server Working' to 'Client Working'
08[TNC] processing IETF/PB-PA message (48 bytes)

The PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA contains a Next Segment attribute defined in the TCG namespace

08[TNC] handling PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
08[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" received message for Connection ID 1 from IMV 2 to IMC 2
08[TNC] processing PA-TNC message with ID 0x37422fc4
08[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Next Segment' 0x005597/0x00000024

The second and last segment is wrapped in a Segment Envelope attribute defined in the TCG namespace and inserted into a PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA

08[TNC] creating last segment for base message ID 1 (6895 bytes)
08[TNC] creating PA-TNC message with ID 0x08899819
08[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Segment Envelope' 0x005597/0x00000023
08[TNC] creating PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009

The PA-TNC message is sent in a PB-TNC Client Data batch to the TNC server

08[TNC] TNC client is handling outbound connection
08[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Client Working' to 'Server Working'
08[TNC] creating PB-TNC CDATA batch
08[TNC] adding IETF/PB-PA message
08[TNC] sending PB-TNC CDATA batch (6951 bytes) for Connection ID 1

Missing SWID Tags

The TNC client receives a PB-TNC Server Data batch containing a PA-TNC message

08[TNC] received TNCCS batch (7167 bytes)
08[TNC] TNC client is handling inbound connection
08[TNC] processing PB-TNC SDATA batch for Connection ID 1
08[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Server Working' to 'Client Working'
08[TNC] processing IETF/PB-PA message (7159 bytes)

The PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA contains a targeted SWIMA Request requesting 111 SWID tags matching the sent Software Identifiers

08[TNC] handling PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
08[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" received message for Connection ID 1 from IMV 2 to IMC 2
08[TNC] processing PA-TNC message with ID 0x60d53991
08[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/SWIMA Request' 0x000000/0x0000000d
08[IMC] targeted SWID tag generation
08[IMC]   strongswan.org__Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64-apt-2.0.2
08[IMC]   strongswan.org__Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64-base-files-11ubuntu5
08[IMC]   strongswan.org__Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64-bash-5.0-6ubuntu1
08[IMC]   strongswan.org__Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64-wget-1.20.3-1ubuntu2
08[IMC]   strongswan.org__Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64-xdg-user-dirs-0.17-2ubuntu1

A search for the requested SWID tags is started consulting the local collector.db SQLite database, the dpkg-query command and by browsing the /usr/share/strongswan directory. Since the requested tags belong to software packages removed some time ago, the file information is not available any more, so that the SWIMA IMC uses the swid_generator command to generate a pro forma tag based on the Software Identifier information, e.g.

Compact SWID Tag for the Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64-bash-5.0-6ubuntu1 Software Package
<SoftwareIdentity xmlns=""
   name="bash" xml:lang="en-US" tagId="Ubuntu_20.04-x86_64-bash-5.0-6ubuntu1"
   version="5.0-6ubuntu1" versionScheme="alphanumeric">
  <Entity name="strongSwan Project" regid="" role="tagCreator"/>
  <Meta product="Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64"/>

All 111 generated SWID tags are put into a standard Software Inventory attribute. Even though no file information is included in the tags, the inclusion of the attribute in a PA-TNC message would still exceed the maximum size of 32'722 octets. Therefore the message is segmented and a first segment is sent encapsulated in a Segment Envelope attribute defined in the TCG namespace in a maximum-size PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA

08[IMC] SWID tag collection
08[IMC] entering /usr/share/strongswan
08[IMC] leaving /usr/share/strongswan
08[IMC] collected 111 SW records
08[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/SW Inventory' 0x000000/0x00000010
08[TNC] creating first segment for base message ID 2 (32698 bytes)
08[TNC] creating PA-TNC message with ID 0xbaca4544
08[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Segment Envelope' 0x005597/0x00000023
08[TNC] creating PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009

The PA-TNC message is sent in a maximum-size PB-TNC Client Data batch to the TNC server

08[TNC] TNC client is handling outbound connection
08[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Client Working' to 'Server Working'
08[TNC] creating PB-TNC CDATA batch
08[TNC] adding IETF/PB-PA message
08[TNC] sending PB-TNC CDATA batch (32754 bytes) for Connection ID 1

The TNC client receives a PB-TNC Server Data batch containing a PA-TNC message

06[TNC] received TNCCS batch (56 bytes)
06[TNC] TNC client is handling inbound connection
06[TNC] processing PB-TNC SDATA batch for Connection ID 1
06[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Server Working' to 'Client Working'
06[TNC] processing IETF/PB-PA message (48 bytes)

The PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA contains a Next Segment attribute defined in the TCG namespace

06[TNC] handling PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
06[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" received message for Connection ID 1 from IMV 2 to IMC 2
06[TNC] processing PA-TNC message with ID 0x23377689
06[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Next Segment' 0x005597/0x00000024

The second and last segment is wrapped in a Segment Envelope attribute defined in the TCG namespace and inserted into a PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA

06[TNC] creating last segment for base message ID 2 (27267 bytes)
06[TNC] creating PA-TNC message with ID 0x300b30f7
06[TNC] creating PA-TNC attribute type 'TCG/Segment Envelope' 0x005597/0x00000023
06[TNC] creating PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009

The PA-TNC message is sent in a PB-TNC Client Data batch to the TNC server

06[TNC] TNC client is handling outbound connection
06[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Client Working' to 'Server Working'
06[TNC] creating PB-TNC CDATA batch
06[TNC] adding IETF/PB-PA message
06[TNC] sending PB-TNC CDATA batch (27323 bytes) for Connection ID 1

TNC Assessment Result

The TNC client receives a PB-TNC Result batch containing a PA-TNC message as well as both a PB-TNC Assessment-Result and a PB-TNC Access-Recommendation payload

10[TNC] received TNCCS batch (88 bytes)
10[TNC] TNC client is handling inbound connection
10[TNC] processing PB-TNC RESULT batch for Connection ID 1
10[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Server Working' to 'Decided'
10[TNC] processing IETF/PB-PA message (48 bytes)
10[TNC] processing IETF/PB-Assessment-Result message (16 bytes)
10[TNC] processing IETF/PB-Access-Recommendation message (16 bytes)

The Assessment Result attribute received in the PA-TNC message of standard subtype SWIMA as well as the overall PB-TNC assessment says compliant and the recommendation is Access Allowed

10[TNC] handling PB-PA message type 'IETF/SWIMA' 0x000000/0x00000009
10[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" received message for Connection ID 1 from IMV 2 to IMC 2
10[TNC] processing PA-TNC message with ID 0x088727cd
10[TNC] processing PA-TNC attribute type 'IETF/Assessment Result' 0x000000/0x00000009
10[IMC] ***** assessment of IMC 2 "SWIMA" from IMV 2 *****
10[IMC] assessment result is 'compliant'
10[IMC] ***** end of assessment *****
10[TNC] PB-TNC assessment result is 'compliant'
10[TNC] PB-TNC access recommendation is 'Access Allowed'
10[IMC] IMC 1 "OS" changed state of Connection ID 1 to 'Allowed'
10[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" changed state of Connection ID 1 to 'Allowed'

A PB-TNC Close batch is sent to the TNC server

10[TNC] TNC client is handling outbound connection
10[TNC] PB-TNC state transition from 'Decided' to 'End'
10[TNC] creating PB-TNC CLOSE batch
10[TNC] sending PB-TNC CLOSE batch (8 bytes) for Connection ID 1

IKEv2 Authentication Success

An EAP-SUCCESS message is received from the EAP server. The EAP client authenticates itself via an IKEv2 AUTH payload based on the MSK (Master Session Key) derived from the EAP-TTLS session

09[NET] received packet: from[4500] to[4500] (80 bytes)
09[ENC] parsed IKE_AUTH response 114 [ EAP/SUCC ]
09[IKE] EAP method EAP_TTLS succeeded, MSK established
09[IKE] authentication of '' (myself) with EAP
09[ENC] generating IKE_AUTH request 115 [ AUTH ]
09[NET] sending packet: from[4500] to[4500] (112 bytes)

The IKEv2 server in turn authenticates itself again via an AUTH payload depending on the EAP-TTLS MSK as well. The OS IMC and SWIMA IMC states as well as the PB-TNC connection are deleted

13[NET] received packet: from[4500] to[4500] (256 bytes)
13[ENC] parsed IKE_AUTH response 115 [ AUTH CPRP(ADDR) SA TSi TSr N(MOBIKE_SUP) N(ADD_4_ADDR) ]
13[IKE] authentication of '' with EAP successful
13[IMC] IMC 1 "OS" deleted the state of Connection ID 1
13[IMC] IMC 2 "SWIMA" deleted the state of Connection ID 1
13[TNC] removed TNCCS Connection ID 1

The IKEv2 connection has been successfully established.

13[IKE] IKE_SA tnc[1] established between[]...[]
13[IKE] scheduling rekeying in 14104s
13[IKE] maximum IKE_SA lifetime 15544s
13[IKE] installing new virtual IP
13[CFG] selected proposal: ESP:AES_GCM_16_256/NO_EXT_SEQ
13[IKE] CHILD_SA tnc{1} established with SPIs c7d3372f_i cf7fb53d_o and TS ===