pki --pub


pki --pub [--in file|--keyid hex] [--type rsa|ecdsa|priv|pub|pkcs10|x509]
          [--outform der|pem|dnskey|sshkey]

pki --pub --help


This pki subcommand extracts the public key from a private key, a PKCS#10 certificate request or an X.509 certificate.


--in       (-i)  input file, default: stdin
--keyid    (-x)  smartcard or TPM private key object handle
--type     (-t)  type of credential, default: priv
--outform  (-f)  encoding of extracted public key, default: der
--debug    (-v)  set debug level, default: 1
--options  (-+)  read command line options from file
--help     (-h)  show usage information


  • Extract the public key from an RSA private key

pki --pub --in myKey.der > myPub.der
  • Extract the public key from an ECDSA private key

pki --pub --in myKey.der --type ecdsa  > myPub.der
  • Extract the public key from a PKCS#10 certificate request

pki --pub --in myReq.der --type pkcs10  > myPub.der
  • Extract the public key from an X.509 certificate

pki --pub --in myCert.der --type x509  > myPub.der----