ipsec attest Tool


ipsec attest --components|--devices|--sessions|--files|--hashes|--keys [options]

ipsec attest --measurements|--packages|--products|--add|--del [options]


The ipsec attest utility manages measurement reference values used for TPM-based remote attestation, e.g. of the Linux Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA). See Trusted Network Connect for examples.

The auxiliary ipsec command, if available, sets the execution path to ${libexecdir}/ipsec/ which is usually /usr/libexec/ipsec/ or /usr/local/libexec/ipsec/. The ${libexecdir} directory can be configured with the --libexecdir ./configure option defaulting to ${prefix}/libexec).

The ipsec attest utility is automatically enabled with the ./configure option


and can be configured with the following strongswan.conf options

Key Default Description


File measurement information database URI. If it contains a password, make sure to adjust the access permissions of the config file accordingly


Plugins to load in attest tool

The simple ipsec attest tool has been obsoleted by the much more powerful capabilities of the strongTNC web-based management framework.


--components [--key <digest>|--kid <id>]

Show a list of components with an AIK digest or its primary key as an optional selector.

--devices [--utc]

Show a list of registered devices and associated collected information.

--sessions [--utc]

Show a chronologically sorted list of all TNC sessions.

--files [--product <name>|--pid <id>]

Show a list of files with a software product name or its primary key as an optional selector.

--hashes [--sha1|--sha256|--sha384] [--product <name>|--pid <id>]

Show a list of measurement hashes for a given software product or its primary key as an optional selector.

--hashes [--sha1|--sha256|--sha384] [--file <path>|--fid <id>]

Show a list of measurement hashes for a given file or its primary key as an optional selector.

--keys [--components <cfn>|--cid <id>]

Show a list of AIK key digests with a component or its primary key as an optional selector.

--measurements [--sha1|--sha256|--sha384] [--component <cfn>|--cid <id>]

Show a list of component measurements for a given component or its primary key as an optional selector.

--measurements [--sha1|--sha256|--sha384] [--key <digest>|--kid <id>|--aik <path>]

Show a list of component measurements for a given AIK or its primary key as an optional selector.

--packages [--product <name>|--pid <id>] [--utc]

Show a list of software packages for a given product or its primary key as an optional selector.

--products [--file <path>|--fid <id>]

Show a list of supported software products with a file path or its primary key as an optional selector.

--add --file <path>|--dir <path>|--product <name>|--component <cfn>

Add a file, directory, product or component entry. Component <cfn> entries must be of the form <vendor_id>/<name>-<qualifier>.

--add [--owner <name>] --key <digest>|--aik <path>

Add an AIK public key digest entry preceded by an optional owner name.

--add --product <name>|--pid <id> --sha1|--sha256|--sha384 --dir <path>|--file <path> [--relative|--rel] [--package <name> --version <string>]

Add hashes of a single file or all files in a directory under absolute or relative filenames

--add --key <digest|--kid <id> --component <cfn>|--cid <id> --sequence <no>|--seq <no>

Add an ordered key/component entry

--add --package <name> --version <string> [--security|--blacklist] [--product <name>|--pid <id>]

Add a package version for a given product optionally with security or blacklist flag

--del --file <path>|--fid <id>|--dir <path>|--did <id>

Delete a file or directory entry referenced either by value or primary key.

--del --product <name>|--pid <id>|--component <cfn>|--cid <id>

Delete a product or component entry referenced either by value or primary key.

--del --product <name>|--pid <id> --file <path>|--fid <id>|--dir <path>|--did <id>

Delete a product/file entry referenced either by value or primary key

--del --key <digest>|--kid <id>|--aik <path>

Delete an AIK entry referenced either by value or primary key.

--del --key <digest|--kid <id> --component <cfn>|--cid <id>

Delete a key/component entry

--del --product <name>|--pid <id> --sha1|--sha1-ima|--sha256|--sha384 [--dir <path>|--did <id>] --file <path>|--fid <id>

Delete a file hash given an absolute or relative filename


List all sessions

# /usr/libexec/ipsec/attest --sessions
   2: Mar 29 09:15:29 2022  1 Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64  a488651e36664792b306 hacker - no access
   1: Mar 29 06:30:45 2022  1 Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64  a488651e36664792b306 client.strongswan.org - no access

List all devices

# /usr/libexec/ipsec/attest --devices
   1: - a488651e36664792b306cf8be72dd630 - Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 -
   2:   Mar 29 09:15:29 2022 hacker - no access
   1:   Mar 29 06:30:45 2022 client.strongswan.org - no access
1 device found

List all files

# /usr/libexec/ipsec/attest --files
     2: /etc
     6:   tnc_config
     5: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
     1:   libcrypto.so.1.0.0
     3:   libssl.so.1.0.0
     8: /usr/bin
     5:   openssl
    11: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
     2:   libcrypto.so.1.1
     4:   libssl.so.1.1
6 files found

List all software packages

# /usr/libexec/ipsec/attest --packages
   1: libssl-dev
   2: libssl1.0.0
   3: libssl1.0.0-dbg
   4: openssl
4 packages found