pki --dn
This pki
subcommand extracts the ASN.1-encoded subject
) of an X.509 certificate and export it in different
formats. This may be useful when the strongSwan identity parser is unable to
produce the correct binary encoding from a string.
--in (-i) input file, default: stdin --format (-f) output format, default: config --debug (-v) set debug level, default: 1 --options (-+) read command line options from file --help (-h) show usage information
Print the first line of a X.509 certificate listing
$ pki --print --in myCert.der | head -1 subject: "C=CH, O=strongSwan, CN=Server"
Extract this subject
in different formats:
$ pki --dn --in myCert.der "asn1dn:#3033310b300906035504061302434831133011060355040a130a7374726f6e675377616e310f300d06035504031306536572766572"
$ pki --dn --in myCert.der --format hex 3033310b300906035504061302434831133011060355040a130a7374726f6e675377616e310f300d06035504031306536572766572
$ pki --dn --in myCert.der --format base64 MDMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkNIMRMwEQYDVQQKEwpzdHJvbmdTd2FuMQ8wDQYDVQQDEwZTZXJ2ZXI=
$ pki --dn --in myCert.der --format bin | xxd 0000000: 3033 310b 3009 0603 5504 0613 0243 4831 031.0...U....CH1 0000010: 1330 1106 0355 040a 130a 7374 726f 6e67 .0...U....strong 0000020: 5377 616e 310f 300d 0603 5504 0313 0653 Swan1.0...U....S 0000030: 6572 7665 72 erver